Showing Tag: "neuroscience" (Show all posts)

The Peripheral Mind (OUP, 2013) now on pre-sale

Posted by I. Aranyosi on Sunday, February 10, 2013, In : authored work 
My debut book The Peripheral Mind. Philosophy of Mind and the Peripheral Nervous System (Oxford University Press, 2013) can now be pre-ordered. For details, see the book's official FB page. The cover art by Alex Robciuc is pasted below. Enjoy!

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My book, The Peripheral Mind, forthcoming at OUP

Posted by I. Aranyosi on Wednesday, August 1, 2012, In : authored work 
An excerpt from the preface:

My approach in this monograph could easily be classified as part of the currently burgeoning “embodied mind” school or trend in contemporary philosophy of mind and cognitive science. Where it differs from most other works in this field is, I would say, in that (a) it offers a somewhat more focused view of embodiment via offering a conceptual role to the PNS as such in analyzing mental phenomena rather than keeping the discourse at the level of notions like ...

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About Me

István Aranyosi I'm a philosopher, currently based at Bilkent University, Ankara. I have a wide range of research interests. My earlier work used to be mostly in analytical philosophy of mind, but it will gradually evolve into a lot more empirically informed philosophy of mind. My debut book is The Peripheral Mind (Oxford University Press 2013). Another book is God, Mind, and Logical Space (Palgrave Macmillan 2013). I also sometimes write opinion articles in popular media.

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